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Using the UAErealty.Ru website and the services offered on it, you, in some cases, trust us with your personal data. To find out what information we collect and how we use it, please read our privacy policy.

Using the UAErealty.Ru website, the user gives his consent to the Administrator UAErealty.Ru to process his personal data provided when filling out any registration form available on the website UAErealty.Ru and in the course of further interaction with the website including the transfer of such personal data through the territory of other states (cross-border transfer).

Last edited date of this document: 22 March 2019.

Personal information of users that editors process UAErealty.Ru

As part of this document, “personal user information” means:

  • Personal information that the user provides about himself / herself when registering (if it exists on the site) or in the process of using UAErealty.Ru, including personal data of the user, when it is necessary under the terms of cooperation. Other information is provided by the user at his request.
  • Data that is automatically transferred to the UAErealty.Ru server during its use using the software installed on the user's device, including the IP address, information about the viewer (browser or another program used to obtain information from the website) user data, technical specifications of devices and software used by the user, date and time of access to UAErealty.Ru, addresses of pages viewed and other technical information.
  • Cookie' data. A cookie is a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on a user's device. The browser can store this information and transmit it to the UAErealty.Ru server upon request for user interaction. The user can disable the ability to use cookies in the settings of his browser.
  • Other information about the user, the provision of which is a necessary condition for receiving services UAErealty.Ru.
  • This Policy applies only to information processed during the use of the site. UAErealty.Ru. We do not control and are not responsible for the processing of information by third-party sites to which the user can follow the links on this website.
  • Editorial UAErealty.Ru does not check the accuracy of the personal information provided by the user, but considers it true and relevant. Responsibility for the accuracy of personal information is belong to the user.

Purpose of collecting personal information

The editors UAErealty.Ru collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for the provision of services to the user and the execution of contracts signed with the user. The exceptions are cases when the law obliges to store personal information for a certain period. The personal data of the user UAErealty.Ru processes in order to:

  • Providing personalized services to the user.
  • Execution of signed agreements and contracts.
  • Providing user support.
  • Targeting advertisements.
  • Study and analysis of statistics on impersonal data.

Processing of personal data and third parties

Editorial staff UAErealty.Ru does not disclose your personal data to third parties and does everything necessary to keep it safe and confidential. Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties only in the following circumstances:

  • The user has agreed to transfer its data to third parties.
  • The transfer is required as part of an agreement with the user, an agreement or for the provision of a personalized service.
  • The transfer is stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation according to the procedure defined by law.

The processing of users' personal data is done by the Administrator UAErealty.Ru using databases in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Legislation and Privacy Policy Changes

The administration of UAErealty.Ru in the processing of personal data acts in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ (last revised).

Administration UAErealty.Ru may make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. The new Edition of the Policy takes effect from the moment of its publication, and the date of the last update is indicated in the document. The obligation to review the current version of the Privacy Policy UAErealty.Ru is belong to the user.

Tags: privacy; policy

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